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Chennai Lasik Laser Foundation   287   Viewers

Chennai Lasik Laser Foundation
 We are the premium center for LASIK LASER in Chennai with 35 years of experience in refractive surgery. We are located in Adyar conveniently placed for most busy professionals residing around the area. Our team of doctors and staff are highly qualified to give you the best experience for permanent and safe correction of refractive error. Equipped with the latest technology in LASER correction for the eye we offer an array of choices best suited for your unique eyes. A consultation will include a thorough evaluation and dedicated discussion time with the surgeon to customize the right procedure for your eyes. Come Un-frame your eyes at Chennai Lasik Laser Foundation

Contact Information

  (+91) 9500124886

Details Address

  , Shastri nagar, Adyar, 33.M G road,Adyar, Chennai - 600020, Tamil Nadu

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